Wednesday, August 09, 2006


I like my blog to be sexy and playful and fun but sometimes a serious topic has to be discussed and this is one of those times. My mother was just diagnosed with a brain tumour and we'll be going to neurosurgeons to determine what treatment she will have. She is 80 years old but she is strong-willed and I admire her for that. Prayers would be appreciated, of course, but the reason I am writing is about more than that.

Two things have come to light that I wanted to alert my readers to. First, DON'T assume that if someone is forgetful or repetitive, they are just older so it's normal. It could be that but best to check it out. Second, we noticed my mother wasn't herself so she went for a Cat Scan/CT Scan. It came out fine. It was only after she had further symptoms a couple of months later that they did another one that looked fine too until a radiologist was diligent enough to look further. This time she got a Cat Scan WITH A DYE. It clearly showed her brain tumour which the followup MRI confirmed. So, keep in mind that Cat Scans don't always show brain tumours if it's location is like my mother's, in the posterior fossa it's called. A dye was needed. IF this helps saves even one person's life, this blog would have been worth it.

I wish good health to you and to your families. Life is full of tests and this is one of ours.



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